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Unlock Your Potential: Embrace Vulnerability, Find Your Why, and Overcome Obstacles


Updated: Oct 28, 2024

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

I remember reading this quote on the bathroom door stall of a yoga studio. It struck me because this is how I’d lived my life. Rather than face challenges, rather than face feeling uncomfortable, failing or being rejected, I’d hid from the world. And now sitting there, in the bathroom stall, I realized that never taking a risk was more painful than any rejection, failing or fear I’d held.

Challenges and struggles are part of life. They go hand in hand with growth. Looking back, every situation that challenged me, that made me feel uncomfortable, is the situation that led me to grow. Every time I thought to myself that I couldn’t possibly overcome, eventually, I did. And through it, I learned patience, resilience, humility and little by little, blossomed.

 "Vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center of meaningful human experiences." Brené Brown

Brene Brown is a researcher and storyteller who has spent two decades studying courage and vulnerability. She teaches us that by embracing vulnerability, we can find courage, accept ourselves, develop empathy, and grow.

Just as vulnerability opens the door to growth, understanding our core purpose, or 'Why', keeps us focused and motivated.

"Start with WHY." Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek has dedicated his career to understanding what makes people and organizations truly impactful leaders. He discovered that our ‘why’—our core purpose—drives change, growth, and connection. As humans, we act not because of numbers and facts but because of emotions. 

In this article, we will talk about:

  • Power of vulnerability

  • Importance of knowing your ‘why’

  • Role meditation plays in overcoming obstacles

The Power of Vulnerability

Harnessing Strength in Vulnerability: Brené Brown’s Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt

“You know, the moments I look back in my life, and think, those were the moments that made me, were moments of struggle.” Brené Brown

In her new book, Daring Greatly, Brené Brown describes vulnerability as "uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure." It’s that shaky feeling we have when we move beyond our comfort zone and walk into the unknown. 

The Cost of Avoiding Vulnerability

How many times have we avoided a situation for fear of being seen, exposed? This armor that we think protects us from pain actually inflicts even more pain. By numbing our emotions, by suppressing how we feel, we disconnect from ourselves. Without vulnerability, there is no love, no belonging, no joy. Without vulnerability, we can’t unlock our potential.

For a long time, I couldn’t see this truth. Conflict was something I avoided with every fiber of my being. I was terrified of being hurt or rejected. I let go of friendships without a word and kept people at arm's length, allowing them to come only so close but never close enough to truly see me or hurt me.

After I started meditating, the walls I’d built slowly began to crumble. In situations of conflict, instead of running away, I stayed put, facing my fears, expressing myself, and risking the pain of rejection. What happened was unexpected. The more I exposed myself, the more the pain vanished. In its place, I began to feel more connected to others and, more importantly, to myself. I became more accepting of who I am and more open to sharing that with others.

Finding Courage in Vulnerability

When we are vulnerable, we connect with ourselves which allows us to follow our heart, reach our goals and our potential. At the heart of vulnerability lies courage. The courage to be ourselves truly and fully. 

Through her research, Brené Brown discovered the one thing that separated people who felt connected from those who felt disconnected was courage. Courage, originally, means to speak one’s mind with all of one’s heart. The people who felt connected had the courage to be seen, to be imperfect, to be vulnerable. As she delved deeper into vulnerability, and after thousands of stories and several years of research, she developed actionable tips to embrace vulnerability.

Actionable Tips
  • Recognize the Courage Required: Start by taking small steps outside your comfort zone, such as sharing your thoughts or trying something new. Acknowledge and celebrate these moments of bravery.

  • Release the Fear of Judgment: Understand that you cannot control others' opinions. Most people are more concerned with their own challenges than with judging you.

  • Focus on your breathing: When stepping out of your comfort zone feels overwhelming, take a moment to pause and focus on your breath. This can help you regain composure and clarity.

  • Embrace Imperfection: Accept that life is messy and no one is perfect. Striving for perfection is unrealistic and can lead to feeling discouraged and giving up. Embrace your imperfections and keep moving forward.

Vulnerability is not comfortable but necessary for growth. It is at the heart of accepting who we are, being compassionate with ourselves and connecting with ourselves. If we numb vulnerability and the discomfort that comes with it, then we numb the emotions that allow us to grow such as gratitude and joy. Through vulnerability, we can embrace courage, and reach our potential.

Knowing Your Why

Discover Your Purpose: Simon Sinek’s Blueprint for Clarity and Motivation

“Every single person on the planet knows what they do. Some know how they do it. But very few know why they do what they do.” Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek argues that ‘Why’ is at the core of what inspires us to take action. Having a clear ‘Why’ gives us direction and purpose, serving as a guiding light in all that we do. Simon Sinek’s concept of “Start With Why’” emphasizes that knowing our deeper purpose allows us to navigate life with clarity and determination.

“By ‘Why’ I mean: What’s your purpose? What’s your belief? Why do you get out of bed in the morning?” SS

When we encounter challenges, our ‘Why’ becomes our anchor. It fuels our resilience, keeping us motivated and focused on our goals. When our actions are aligned with our core beliefs, we are better equipped to overcome obstacles and stay committed to our journey.

Knowing our ‘Why’ is beneficial because it helps us to 

  • build self-awareness

  • identify our strengths 

  • uncover our passions 

  • build resilience

  • make better decisions

Investing in understanding our ‘Why’ brings more meaning to our lives, aligning our actions with our beliefs. This alignment leads to greater satisfaction and success because we are more engaged, fulfilled and happier in life.

What set Martin Luther King Jr. apart? He wasn’t just a great public speaker; he had a gift for expressing his ‘Why’. In the summer of 1963, 250,000 people lined the mall in Washington to hear him speak. He didn’t just say what needed to change or that he had a plan. He shared his beliefs and dreams. Martin Luther King’s ‘Why’ resonated so deeply with people that it inspired a movement that has transcended his lifetime.

Uncovering Your Why

Understanding your ‘Why’ is a journey of self-discovery. Here are some practical tips to help uncover your deeper purpose:

  • Reflect on where you started and what you’re accomplishing each day

  • Zero in on what gives you energy and what drains you

  • Follow where your passions and interests lead you

  • Let go of your inner critic and any self-doubt

 Activities to help uncover your ‘Why’:

  • Who am I? This activity asks several questions to help build self-awareness

  • Spontaneous collage This activity can help us to discover ourselves

  • Kokology: The Game of Self-Discovery is a game that uses psychological principles to reveal hidden insights about ourselves

  • Self-discovery worksheets with prompts and questions to help us identify talents, strengths and values

Understanding our ‘Why’ is at the core of what moves us, providing a guiding light as we navigate life’s challenges and helping us to make better decisions that align with who we are. By reflecting on our purpose, we can cultivate a life of greater meaning, fulfillment and ultimately reaching our potential. 

Pause and Reflect: Inspiring Stories of Triumph and Resilience



Key Takeaway

Stephen Hawking, a renowned theoretical physicist, faced immense physical challenges due to ALS, a disease that gradually paralyzed him. Despite his condition, he made groundbreaking contributions to science, and became a symbol of perseverance and intellectual curiosity.

"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at."

Determination, intellect, and passion can overcome even the most daunting obstacles.

Nick Vujicic, born without limbs due to Tetra-amelia syndrome, faced immense physical and emotional challenges. Overcoming these obstacles, he became a motivational speaker, author, and founder of the non-profit organization Life Without Limbs, inspiring millions with his story of triumph over adversity.

"If you can’t get a miracle, become one."

Embrace one's limitations, turning them into strengths to inspire others.

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of “Eat, Pray, Love”, struggled with depression and a painful divorce before embarking on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Her story of travel, meditation, and finding her true purpose has resonated with many seeking personal growth.

"You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day."

Introspection, mindfulness, and the pursuit of one’s passion can overcome personal challenges.

Overcoming Obstacles and the Role of Meditation

Breaking Barriers: How Meditation Can Help You Conquer Life’s Challenges

“Nothing worthwhile can be achieved easily. Everything worthwhile requires a long period of hard work with many failures along the way.” Brian Tracy

According to Brian Tracy, Canadian-American motivational public speaker and self-development author, the three biggest barriers to reaching your potential are

  • Staying in your comfort zone: We become comfortable in our routines even if they don’t always benefit us. Tracy notes that 80% of people find a reason not to change even if the change is positive and will lead to growth.

  • Learned helplessness: Doubt, fear, comparison keep us from trying to change. That little voice that says “I can’t do it” stops us from ever really trying.  

  • Path of least resistance: We often look for the easiest  way to achieve a result. It in the short-term this may offer temporary satisfaction, but ultimately, doesn’t lead to long-term growth.

“We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action.” Dr. Henry Link

How Meditation Helps Overcome These Barriers

Meditation offers a practical approach to overcome these barriers.

Reduce stress and control anxiety

It’s hard to take action to change when we feel overwhelmed. In one study with over 1,300 adults, meditation helped to decrease anxiety and increase coping and resilience.

Promotes emotional health

Self-doubt, fear and comparison can paralyze us to take action. In another study with over 3,500 adults, meditation helped to decrease negative thinking.

Enhances self-awareness

By understanding ourselves more, we can recognize patterns of thinking or acting that are not beneficial. The more self-aware we become, the more we can grow.

Meditation is something everyone can practice from anywhere. The power of self-reflection meditation is that it gets to the root cause of what blocks one from reaching their potential. Our mind is formed from our experiences and the experiences inherited from our parents. These thoughts shape our behaviors, actions, habits and, ultimately, our destiny. We are literally pre-programmed and act, or rather react, according to our programming. Through meditation, we can change our programming, overcome the barriers that block us, and reach our potential.

Practical Tips to Complement Meditation

Stay disciplined

Be consistent and take small steps daily to keep moving forward. This empowers you to build resilience and confidence.

Stay focused

Keep your eyes on your end goal. Remember you ‘Why.’ One study found that people fail to reach their goals because they lose sight of the end and focus on the effort. Refocus on your ‘Why,’ that’s what fuels your pursuit.

Create a support system

Seek out people who are actively trying to change their lives and learn from those who have succeeded. 

With the right tools to overcome barriers, we can embrace the challenge, learn, grow, and reach our potential. 


Your Journey to Potential: Embrace, Discover, and Overcome

Reaching our potential first requires a willingness to change and recognition of the barriers that hold us back. When we lean into vulnerability, discover our ‘Why,’ and incorporate strategies to overcome obstacles, we can truly start to change.

As Brian Tracy reminds us, “Nothing in life that is worth having is easy.” Choosing the path that is not the easiest, taking small steps, will lead to long-term success. Meditation offers a powerful tool to walk this path.

If you’re wondering how to start, we offer a monthly meditation class that will help you to recognize your barriers so you can take action to reach your potential. This class will cultivate resilience and confidence, empowering you to face challenges head-on. . The best time to start is now-let’s build our best life together!


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